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Your Path to a Healthier You with Allure: Answering Your Questions

At Allure Weight Loss Solutions, we understand you may have questions about our comprehensive weight loss program. Our FAQ page is designed to provide answers, offering insight into our unique approach, which includes nutritional guidance, exercise assessment, medical support, and cognitive behavioral therapy, all tailored to your specific needs. Discover more about our journey to facilitate healthier relationships with food and body in Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, and Markham.

  • What is the Allurion gastric balloon, and how does it work?

    The Allurion gastric balloon is a non-surgical, swallowable balloon designed to help with weight loss. It is swallowed in a capsule, then inflated with saline in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness to aid in appetite control and portion management

  • How is the Allurion gastric balloon inserted?

    The Allurion balloon is ingested in a capsule form, and it is swallowed, just like taking a large pill. It is then inflated with a thin tube that is attached to the balloon.

  • Is there a need for an endoscopy or anesthesia during the Allurion balloon insertion?

    No, the Allurion gastric balloon does not require an endoscopy or anesthesia for insertion, making it a non-invasive and pain-free procedure.

  • How long is the Allurion gastric balloon left in the stomach?

    The Allurion gastric balloon is typically left in the stomach for around 16 weeks (about four months). After this period, it is naturally expelled from the body.

  • Can the Allurion gastric balloon be removed earlier if needed?

    The Allurion balloon is designed to be naturally expelled from the body, but it can be removed earlier endoscopically if necessary at an additional cost.

  • What kind of weight loss can be expected with the gastric balloon?

    Weight loss results can vary, but most patients can expect to lose as much as 10-15% of their body weight during the time the balloon is in place. The amount of weight loss depends on various factors, including individual commitment to lifestyle changes.

  • Are there any specific dietary or lifestyle recommendations to follow with the gastric balloon?

    Yes, in our program, individuals are counselled by registered nutritionists and physiotherapists to follow a specific diet and exercise plan during the time the balloon is in place and once it has been removed. These guidelines are designed to maximize the benefits of the balloon and support long-term weight loss.

  • Can I eat regular foods with the Allurion gastric balloon?

    While you can consume regular foods, portion control is crucial. The balloon is intended to help you feel full with smaller meals. Our program includes consultations with nutritionists to help plan your diet during the time the balloon is in place.

  • What happens after the Allurion gastric balloon is naturally expelled?

    After the balloon is naturally expelled, it's essential to continue with the healthy habits you've developed during its use to maintain your weight loss and overall well-being.

  • Are there any risks or side effects associated with the Allurion gastric balloon?

    While the Allurion balloon is generally safe, there can be side effects such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and discomfort. It's essential to discuss potential risks and side effects with your healthcare provider before the procedure.

  • Can I have the Allurion balloon inserted more than once?

    In some cases, individuals may opt for additional Allurion balloon insertion(s), but this decision should be discussed with our team/your healthcare provider. 

  • Who is not a candidate for Allurion gastric balloon insertion?

    While the Allurion gastric balloon is a non-surgical and minimally invasive weight loss option suitable for many individuals, there are specific criteria that may disqualify someone from being a candidate for this procedure. Potential reasons for not being a candidate for the Allurion gastric balloon insertion may include:

    • Pregnancy: The Allurion gastric balloon is not recommended for pregnant individuals.
    • Prior gastric surgery: If you have previously undergone certain types of gastric surgery, you may not be a suitable candidate.
    • Active gastrointestinal disorders: Active gastrointestinal conditions or disorders, such as ulcers, Crohn's disease, or bleeding disorders, may preclude you from undergoing the procedure.
    • Severe untreated mental health conditions: Individuals with severe untreated mental health conditions may not be considered suitable candidates, as the procedure requires compliance with dietary and lifestyle changes.
    • Allergies or intolerances: Known allergies or intolerances to any of the materials used in the Allurion balloon may disqualify you.
    • BMI outside the recommended range: Some weight loss procedures, including the Allurion gastric balloon, may have specific BMI (Body Mass Index) criteria. If your BMI is significantly below or above the recommended range, you may not be eligible.
    • Inability to swallow the balloon: The Allurion balloon is ingested in a capsule form. If you have difficulty swallowing pills or capsules, this could be a limiting factor.
    • Medical contraindications: Certain medical conditions or medications may be contraindicated for the procedure. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider who can assess your specific medical history and medications.
    • Inadequate commitment to lifestyle changes: The success of the Allurion gastric balloon often depends on an individual's commitment to dietary and lifestyle changes. If you're unwilling or unable to adhere to these recommendations, you may not be a suitable candidate.
    • Young age: The procedure may not be recommended for very young individuals or minors. Age requirements may vary depending on the healthcare provider's policies. 

    If you are considering this procedure, our team will consult with you to determine your candidacy and discuss the best weight loss options tailored to your individual needs and circumstances. Thus, it is vital that you know your health history, and as accurately and completely as possible, fill out the initial questionnaire and be prepared to elaborate on these during your consultation with our team.   

  • Why am I not losing weight with the gastric balloon?

    It's not uncommon for individuals to experience varying rates of weight loss with a gastric balloon, and some may not achieve their desired results as quickly as they expected. Here are some common reasons why weight loss may not be as anticipated with a gastric balloon:

    • Dietary Habits: Your dietary choices play a significant role in weight loss. If you're not following the recommended diet plan or if you're consuming high-calorie, low-nutrient foods, your weight loss progress may be slow
    • Lack of Exercise: Incorporating regular physical activity is vital for weight loss. If you're not engaging in regular exercise, it can slow down your weight loss progress.
    • Portion Control: While the gastric balloon helps control hunger, it's essential to practice portion control. Overeating, even with the balloon, can hinder weight loss.
    • Snacking: Frequent snacking between meals, especially on unhealthy or high-calorie snacks, can counteract the effects of the gastric balloon.
    • Lack of Commitment: Weight loss is a journey that requires dedication and commitment to long-term changes in lifestyle and eating habits. If you're not fully committed, it can impede your progress.
    • Medical Factors: There may be underlying medical conditions or medications that affect your metabolism or hinder weight loss. It's important to discuss this with your healthcare provider.
    • Balloon Displacement or Deflation: In rare cases, the gastric balloon can move or deflate prematurely. If you suspect an issue with the balloon, consult your healthcare provider for evaluation.
    • Metabolic Variability: Individuals have different metabolic rates, and some may lose weight more slowly than others, even with the gastric balloon.
    • Plateaus: Weight loss doesn't always occur at a consistent rate. Plateaus are common during any weight loss journey. Staying patient and continuing with your healthy habits is essential during these periods.

  • I'm having a lot of side effects (cramping/nausea/vomiting). Is this normal?

    Experiencing cramping, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain immediately after gastric balloon insertion can be common side effects that typically last for about a week, and up to a month, subsiding with time. However, while some discomfort is expected, severe or persistent symptoms should not be considered normal and should be promptly addressed. Here's a breakdown of what to consider:

    • Cramping and Abdominal Pain/Discomfort: Mild cramping and discomfort are typical after gastric balloon insertion. Your stomach is adjusting to the presence of the balloon.
    • Nausea and Vomiting: Nausea and occasional vomiting can also occur in the days following the procedure. This is often due to the sensation of fullness created by the balloon. These symptoms should improve as your body adjusts.
    • Severity and Persistence: If these symptoms are severe, persistent, or worsening, it is crucial to contact your healthcare provider. Severe pain, excessive vomiting, or signs of dehydration are not normal and require immediate medical attention.
    • Follow Healthcare Provider's Guidance: Following your healthcare provider's post-procedure instructions is crucial. This may include dietary recommendations and medications to manage nausea or pain.
    • Medications: We have prescribed several medications to prevent and to aid in relief of these symptoms. These include PPIs, Akynzeo, painkillers, buscopan, ondansetron, and simethicone. Ensure that you are taking these prescribed medications as directed. Please see video on medications. 
    • Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential. Sip water slowly, and if vomiting is frequent, consult with your healthcare provider to discuss options for maintaining adequate hydration.
    • Balloon Evaluation: If symptoms do not improve or worsen, your healthcare provider may need to evaluate the balloon's position and condition to ensure it is functioning correctly.

    It's important to maintain close communication with your healthcare provider to ensure your well-being and address any concerns. While some discomfort and mild symptoms are expected after gastric balloon insertion, severe or persistent symptoms should not be ignored, and medical attention is necessary to rule out any complications or issues with the procedure. Your healthcare provider will be able to provide guidance and adjustments to help manage your symptoms and ensure your safety.

a woman giving a thumbs up in front of a mirror

Book Your Consultation Today!

Ready to transform your relationship with food and body? Allure Weight Loss Solutions is just a click away. Booking an appointment with us is simple, easy, and the first step towards your healthier future. Whether you're in Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, or Markham, our expert team, led by Dr. Ashwin Maharaj, is ready to provide comprehensive support tailored to your specific weight loss needs. Don't wait - your journey to a healthier, happier you starts here.

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